Panthera Graphite Technologies
50% Evion Group 50% Metachem Manufacturing Company
Pune, India
>21 years
US$100 million
IRR pre-tax
571 %
Project CAPEX
US$3 million
Panthera Graphite (PGT) is a joint venture between leading and world recognised downstream graphite processing group, Metachem Manufacturing, India and the Evion Group NL.
Evion brings substantial commercial and graphite marketing to the JV and proposes to supply material from its Maniry site in the near future.

The global expandable graphite market is projected to reach USD 312.4 million by 2028 from an estimated USD 205.9 million in 2022, at a CAGR of 7.2% during 2023 and 2028.
Source: Precision Reports – Sept 2023
Project Development and Production
Production progressed well during December 2024 with operations on target to
complete production of the first order of 400 tonnes which is to be shipped to Europe
over the forthcoming months.
An additional 500 tonne of concentrate is now on site ready for production over Q2 and
Q3 2025 with material ordered in advance on favourable pricing terms.
The JV is expected to host buyers on site in February 2025 as demand from prospective
buyers expands globally.
The JV has already commenced planning for an upgrade to production that has the potential to more than double sales volumes and revenue.
Planned increases to production are in response to very strong demand which could see the JV become one of the world’s largest producers of Expandable Graphite outside of China – supplying expanding markets in Europe, the USA and southeast Asia.